استخدام 2 عنوان شغلی در شرک فراز آسمان شبکه

استخدام 2 عنوان شغلی در شرک فراز آسمان شبکه

Help Desk

The Role

Handling the help desk issues of staffs
Provide help-desk support and resolve problems to the End user’s satisfaction
Monitor and respond quickly and effectively to requests Received through the IT help-desk
Monitor Service Desk for tickets assigned to the queue And process first-in first-out based on priority
Modify configurations, utilities, software default settings, etc. for the local workstation
Utilize and maintain the help-desk tracking software
Document internal procedures
Assist with on boarding of new users
Ensure each workstation has a computer, monitor, Keyboard, mouse, hard drive, and any additional
Specialized equipment
Install, test and configure new workstations, peripheral Equipment and software
Maintain inventory of all equipment, software and Software licenses
Report issues to the Service Desk for escalation
Manage PC setup and deployment for new employees
Using standard hardware and software
Assign users and computers to proper groups in Active Directory
Perform timely workstation hardware and software Upgrades as required


BS degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or equivalent
Familiar with MikroTik equipment
At least 2 years of experience in related work
Proficiency in English
Working knowledge of help desk software, databases and Remote control
Strong client-facing and communication skills
Advanced troubleshooting and multi-tasking skills
Customer service orientation
Microsoft,MikroTik, Cisco and VMware certified candidates are preferable


The Role

Writing well-designed, testable, efficient code by using best software development practices
Executing full lifecycle software development
Interacting with Quality Assurance staff and members of the software development team
Gathering and refining specifications and requirements based on technical needs
Determining operational feasibility by evaluating analysis, problem definition, requirements, solution development, and proposed solutions
Developing software solutions by studying information needs, conferring with users, studying systems flow, data usage, and work processes, investigating problem areas, following the software development lifecycle
Software documentation


BS degree in Information Technology, Computer Science or equivalent
At least 3 years of experience in related work
Proficiency in English
Good knowledge of software architecture

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آشنایی با دوره رسمی میکروتیک MikroTik - MTCNA

درس MTCNA بر فراهم آوردن دانش و مهارت لازم برای نصب و راه اندازی، کاربری و عیب یابی شبکه های با سایز کوچک تا متوسط شامل انجام تنظیمات روی روتر هاي ميكروتيك و اتصال به شبکه با گستردگی جغرافیائی زیاد (WAN) و همچنین پیاده سازی امنیت در شبکه تمرکز دارد. برای مشاهده سرفصل کامل دوره و ثبت نام اینجا کلیک نمایید.

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دوره های سماتک دوره های سماتک

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