گوشه ای از جلسه اول دوره آنلاین (لایو) PHP Web Development سماتک - استاد مهدی اردهالی
مدت دوره PHP:
40 ساعت
پيش نياز دوره PHP:
Basic computer skills and knowledge of HTML, CSS, and JavaScript. Prior programming experience is helpful but not required.
مخاطب دوره PHP:
For people interested in designing and developing powerful websites and server-side software.
اهداف دوره آموزش PHP:
• Scenario presentation and analysis for All of the projects
• Design and development of the Website and server-side software
• Design and development of web services for web applications and mobile applications
سرفصل آموزش PHP:
- Conceptual Study of Web Structure
- Overview of programming concepts
- PHP installation and running
- Variable and Data Types
- Function / String Helper Functions / Array Helper Functions
- PHP SuperGlobals
- Form Request
- State Managing with Cookie and Session
- Files and Permission
- Headers
- Email, Time
- Encryption
- Error and Exception
- Overview of the Data Storage Mechanism
- Overview of the Object Orientation Programming
- OOP, Class, Object, Property, Method, Constant
- Static, Magic Constant, Magic Methods
- Inheritance, Abstraction, Polymorphism, Encapsulation
- Autoloading, SPL
- Namespace, Use, PSR7
- Serialization, JSON
- Security, SQL Injection, XSS, CSRF
- Create Stable/Secure web application in business-level
- Overview of design pattern
- Overview of MVC architectural pattern
- Install and develop one of the High levels PHP frameworks (Laravel)
جزئیات سرفصل آموزشی دوره آنلاین برنامه نویسی PHP را از طریق لینک زیر دریافت کنید: