دوره حضوری Java Pack : Java SE 8 Programming & Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform (جاوا مقدماتی و پیشرفته)

دوره حضوری Java Pack : Java SE 8 Programming & Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform (جاوا مقدماتی و پیشرفته)

سرفصل دوره :

Java SE 8 Outline
• Creating simple Java classes
• Creating primitive variables
• Using operators
• Creating and manipulate strings
• Using if-else and switch statements
• Iterating with loops: while,do-while,for,enhanced for
• Creating arrays
• Using Java fields, constructors, and methods
• Encapsulation and Sub classing
• Using encapsulation in Java class design
• Modeling business problems using Java classes
• Making classes immutable
• Creating and use Java subclasses
• Overloading methods
• Overriding Methods, Polymorphism, and Static Classes
• Using access levels: private, protected, default, and public.
• Overriding methods
• Using the instanceof operator to compare object types
• Using upward and downward casts
• Modeling business problems by using the static keyword
• Implementing the singleton design pattern
• Abstract and Nested Classes
• Designing general-purpose base classes by using abstract classes
• Constructing abstract Java classes and subclasses
• Applying final keyword in Java
• Distinguish between top-level and nested classes
• Interfaces and Lambda Expressions
• Defining a Java interface
• Choosing between interface inheritance and class inheritance
• Extending an interface
• Defaulting methods
• Anonymous inner classes
• Defining a Lambda Expression
• Collections and Generics
• Creating a custom generic class
• Using the type inference diamond to create an object
• Creating a collection by using generics
• Ordering collections
• Exceptions and Assertions
• Defining the purpose of Java exceptions
• Using the try and throw statements
• Using the catch, multi-catch, and finally clauses
• Auto close resources with a try-with-resources statement
• Recognizing common exception classes and categories
• Creating custom exceptions
• Testing invariants by using assertions
• Java Date/Time API
• Creating and manage date-based events
• Creating and manage time-based events
• Combining date and time into a single object
• Working with dates and times across time zones
• Managing changes resulting from daylight savings
• Defining and create timestamps, periods and durations
• Applying formatting to local and zoned dates and times
• I/O Fundamentals
• Describing the basics of input and output in Java
• Read and write data from the console
• Using streams to read and write files
• Writing and read objects using serialization
• File I/O (NIO.2)
• Using the Path interface to operate on file and directory paths
• Using the Files class to check, delete, copy, or move a file or directory
• Using Stream API with NIO2
• Concurrency
• Describing operating system task scheduling
• Creating worker threads using Runnable and Callable
• Using an ExecutorService to concurrently execute tasks
• Identifying potential threading problems
• Using synchronized and concurrent atomic to manage atomicity
• Using monitor locks to control the order of thread execution
• Using the java.util.concurrent collections
• Database Applications with JDBC
• Defining the layout of the JDBC API
• Connecting to a database by using a JDBC driver
• Submitting queries and get results from the database
• Specifying JDBC driver information externally
• Performing CRUD operations using the JDBC API
• Localization
• Describing the advantages of localizing an application
• Defining what a locale represents
• Read and set the locale by using the Locale object
• Building a resource bundle for each locale
• Calling a resource bundle from an application
• Changing the locale for a resource bundle

Developing Applications for the Java EE 7 Platform Outline

Introduction to Java EE
• Standards, containers, APIs, and services
• Application component functionalities mapped to tiers and containers
• Interconnect Application Components with CDI Annotations and JNDI
• Web container technologies, Business logic implementation technologies, and web service technologies
• Packaging and deployment
• Enterprise JavaBeans, managed beans, and CDI beans
• Understanding lifecycle and memory scopes
• Linking components together with annotations, injections, and JNDI

Managing Persistence by Using JPA Entities
• Create JPA entities with Object-Relational Mappings (ORM)
• Use Entity Manager to perform database operations with JPA entities
• Handle entity data with conversions, validations, and key generation
• Describe persistence management and locking mechanisms
• Create and execute JPQL statements

Implementing Business Logic by Using EJBs
• Create Session EJB components
• Create EJB business methods
• Manage EJB life cycle with container callbacks
• Use asynchronous EJB operations
• Control transactions
• Create EJB timers
• Create and apply interceptors

Using Java Message Service API
• Describe Java Message Service (JMS) API messaging models
• Implement Java SE and Java EE message producers and consumers
• Use durable and shared topic consumer subscriptions
• Create message-driven beans
• Use transactions with JMS

Implementing SOAP Services by Using JAX-WS
• Describe a SOAP Web Service structure
• Create SOAP Web Services using JAX-WS API
• Create SOAP Web Service clients

Creating Java Web Applications by Using Servlets
• Describe HTTP basics
• Create Java servlet classes and map then to URLs
• Handle HTTP headers, parameters, cookies
• Use servlets to handle different content types
• Manage servlet life cycle with container callback methods
• Use CDI Managed Beans
• Use Interceptors and Filters
• Implement asynchronous servlets and use NIO API

Creating Java Web Applications by Using JSPs
• Describe JSP life cycle
• Describe JSP syntax
• Use Expression Language (EL)
• Use CDI Beans
• Use Tag Libraries
• Handle errors

Implementing REST Services using JAX-RS API
• Understand REST service conventions
• Create REST services using JAX-RS API
• Consume REST service within the client tier

Develop Web Applications Using JavaServer Faces
• Describe JSF lifecycle and architecture, and understand JSF syntax
• Use JSF Tag Libraries
• Apply Validators and Converters to UIComponents
• Use UI templates
• Define navigation, and handle localization
• Produce messages
• Use Expression Language (EL), and CDI Beans
• Add AJAX support

Introduction to Java EE Open Source Frameworks
• Hibernate Persistence Framework
• Spring Framework
• Maven Framework
• Quartz Scheduler

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